Obtaining a Visa

The banking sector in the UAE today consists of numerous local and international banking institutions, so you can open a bank account in the UAE according to your preferences. Unfortunately, Russian banks are not represented in the UAE, as well as other banks in the CIS countries.

Those Russian banks that are in the United Arab Emirates, do not cooperate with individuals and legal entities. All banks in the UAE can be divided into local financial institutions and international branches of foreign banks. If HSBC, CitiBank, Bank of Baroda are famous, then local banks are little known to our customers, so opening an account in the United Arab Emirates is not always an easy task. Our goal is to familiarize the client with the state banking system and recommend the banking institution that best meets the requirements of the business.

Resident visa

Investor visa

Domestic employee visa

Tourist visa

Visa for family members

Types Of Companies

Registering an enterprise in a foreign country is a responsible mission. It is important not only to know the administrative process (how to open a business in Dubai, for example), but also to understand the importance of building a proper corporate structure. Everything may seem simple, but do not forget that there are nuances everywhere, which sometimes only professionals know about.
We draw your attention to the fact that you can establish a company by choosing one of the three most common organizational and legal forms:


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In What Cases Can A Resident Visa Be Refused?

The refusal of a resident visa may be related not only to the decision of the Anti-Crime Service, but also due to the presence of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, C, D, tuberculosis, syphilis, and other types of sexually transmitted diseases. This way the UAE authorities limit the influx of potentially dangerous carriers of serious diseases into the country and oblige such individuals to leave the UAE. In some cases, this is mandatory.

Procedure For Obtaining A Resident Visa

  • Issue of an entry permit to the UAE for an individual entity before their arrival in the UAE.
  • Arrival of a person in the UAE. Iris-scanning and photo after the arrival. Obtaining stamps of entry into the country. Providing data to government agencies and Immigration Service about the arrival of an individual.
  • Passing a medical examination in one of the authorized medical institutions for the detection of diseases that are not compatible with the issuance of a resident visa. At this stage, a blood sample is taken from the vein and a fluorography is performed. This step usually takes 2-4 days. Then the medical institution issues a certificate stating that “the person is healthy and fit to live in the UAE” or “not fit to live in the UAE”.
  • After medical examination, a person draws up an Emirates ID, where all relevant biometric and passport information about him is stored. To obtain this identification card, a person must go to one of the state identification centers and submit their biometric data (fingerprints, retinal scan, profile photo).
  • The issuance of ID takes approximately 4-5 weeks. However, for resident visa it will be enough to provide a copy of the confirmation document from the identification center, which is issued to everyone after the submitting biometric data procedure.
  • Now you have a certificate from an authorized medical center and a confirmation from the Emirates ID identification center. You need to apply for a resident visa in the UAE.

Maintaining UAE Resident Status

In order for your resident status to be active, you must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Your visa must not be expired;
  • If you are an investor and are permanently located outside the UAE, you must come to the UAE every 6 months.

The Resident Status Gives Permission To:

In order for your resident status to be active, you must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Officially reside in the UAE;
  • Get a tax resident certificate from the UAE Ministry of Economy to avoid paying taxes in your country of permanent residence;
  • Rent a house in the UAE;
  • Connect mobile and internet services in the UAE;
  • Open a bank account in the UAE;
  • Get a driver’s license in the UAE;
  • Send children to schools in the UAE;
  • Apply to government agencies in the UAE, but you must come to the UAE every 6 months.

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